Community email survey campaign suggestions
Can I make suggestions for the email campaign options. I did not find options below in help files.
Is it possible to define where the 'call-to-action link text' appears in the body of the email, it automatically appears at the bottom, which after the address info and opt out link it is a little hard to find.
Is it possible to copy the email survey options along with the copy of a survey, so as you copy a new survey in setup survey, then the email survey campaign is copied along with it. This option would additionally require the manage email survey tab to allow editing of the email content, say subject line changed to "reminder: feedback request for Mr XXX' or in the case of the copy email survey option, a change to the name of the 'survey collected on behalf of [person]' in email invitation body.

Thanks for the suggestion. We’ve added it to our backlog of features under consideration for a maintenance release.