Allow respondent to Print the filled in survey.
I sometimes use Surveygold to create a data collection instrument. Respondents will fill out the form and it would be useful for them to be able to print a copy of the completed form as well as submitting it. I know there is a clear data to reset the form/survey but not a print function. I have in the past have had people print/capture each page,one at a time, to a pdf file.

Jerry, thanks for the suggestion. This this feature is under consideration for a future release. It should be a fairly straightforward feature to implement as SurveyGold already provides the ability to email responses to respondents. We would just need to implement a variation of this existing functionality.
We do have a question for you. In thinking about how to implement this capability, we are thinking of one of two designs. We would be interested in knowing what you (and others) think of these options:
A) When the respondent submits the Submit Your Responses button, the confirmation message appears as usual and the submitted responses are displayed below them. The respondent can print the displayed responses.
B) When the respondent submits the Submit Your Responses button, the confirmation message appears as usual and a Print Your Responses button appears. The respondent clicks the button and the submitted responses are displayed. The respondent can print the displayed responses.
Which option do you prefer?
Note: Because many people are submitting responses via mobile browsers, we are not considering a design that would open a print dialog (for example, like you would see in Windows). That is because such a print dialog is not universal in all operating systems.
W look forward to your reply.
I've been thinking about the design of this Print feature. I would appreciate your feedback on this. Here is a summary of my design considerations:
A) Add a checkbox entitled "Display summary of responses just after submitting" to the Behaviors tab in the Save Web Survey Form window. Selecting this would cause the confirmation page to display a tabular list of questions and responses submitted, suitable for printing.
B) Add a checkbox entitled "Display summary of responses just before submitting" to the Behaviors tab in the Save Web Survey Form window. Selecting this would cause the confirmation page to display a tabular list of questions and responses submitted, suitable for reviewing prior to submitting and for printing.
Which would you prefer to see? A? B? Both A and B?
I look forward to your feedback.
Jerry Levitt commented
Chuck, as usual a prompt and useful response. In the particular situation I am in the email approach should be perfect. I do still suggest you follow-up on the print option.
Great suggestion Jerry. We're adding your suggestion to our list of features under consideration for a future release.
In the meantime, here's a work-around that provides the respondent with an electronic copy of their email responses:
- Make sure that your web survey form captures the respondent's email address (this can be specified via the survey properties sheet in the Setup Survey tab by selecting Collect This Respondent Data tab and selecting "Email")
- When saving your survey as a web survey form, in the Behavior tab, check the checkbox "Email responses to respondent"This causes the submitted responses to be immediately emailed to the respondent via the email address they provide when completing the web survey form.