Complex Exam Scoring
I attach the best I could find – they are all in Zettl: Television Production Handbook and Workbook. (Wadsworth)
If the software can match a number of conditions in the questions with a number of conditions in the answer (which would be the same as ranking), as these examples show, I reckon that SurveyGold will be up there with the best educational software.
I repeat what I said before – I personally would be happy to pay for a testing module as an add-on, in other words, with a premium subscription.
The reason is that training schools also need to keep in touch with past students to see how they are doing in order to justify their curriculum, fees and existence.
I am writing training material and tests right now for two training bodies. They will be buying licenses in due course.
I will let you know when they put through their orders, and their names so that you will realise that your superb and personal service to me over the years has yielded dividends. (Howard Thomas)