Output of word report - add spacer between open responses
Currently, when generating a word report, all scrolling text box responses are displayed together, with no spacer between them. This means that it can be hard to differentiate where 1 comment ends and another begins.
This is response 1 and from the first respondent.
This is response 2, but if response 1 is a certain length, it is hard to see that response 2 has started.
Adding more responses would be improved with a spacer of some form
If this were reponse 4, a gap makes it easy to see as a seperate entry.
Hope this is a clear example.
The ability to define a image (gif/jpg) header on page 1 of report, and an image for the footer of every page would be very useful for branding reports automatically also.

With regards to spacing between paragraphs in the Publish Word action, the design currently provides 10 points of spacing after a paragraph break in the Word document. This 10 points of spacing is by design to produce a visible amount of white space between the paragraphs.
Just to clarify, how may points of spacing after a paragraph break would you like to see?
surveygold commented
Ah, I do not get any spacing, 10pt would be perfect. I suspect this is due to my old version of word, rather than your reporting. (Word 2002)
I use Libre Office now, but report in to old version of word for survey gold.