easy way to back up completed surveys
I have around 40 completed surveys. I am going to take a backup file and then delete them, so i can retrieve from back up if I have to. However, it would be far better to have a simple way of removing completed surveys to a separate file somewhere, for safe keeping out of the actual survey gold software.
I am suggesting some way of saving/archiving completed surveys, outside of survey gold so that they do not bloat the backups, would be a fantastic addition. I could not see a simple way searching for one on this site.

One at a time is the only way to do this currently. I'll add your suggestion to export multiple surveys at a time to our list of features under consideration for a future release.
Anonymous commented
Thanks, that does work. Is there a way to do it for more than one survey at a time? I have more than I thought, around 130 to do (not too long individually, but still...)
You can also create a new folder in the Setup Survey tab and name it "Survey Backups". You can then drag-and-drop your retired surveys into that folder.
There is a way to do this today: Export your retired surveys as a survey definition file then delete the retired survey.
Be sure to include responses when export the survey. Make sure you have put your survey definition file in a safe place (e.g., backed-up folder).
If you ever need a survey again, you can simply import the survey definition file back into the SurveyGold application via the Setup Survey tab.