report output feature request
When exporting results, would it be possible to export the 'word report' cumulative totals to excel (or csv)? Alternatively, would it be possible to get the enumeration numbers (very good = 5 good = 4 average =3 etc) values in export to excel/one respondent per record, as currently you get the name of the category only (very good etc).
I am trying to find an easier way of analysing my surveys, as currently I need to manually copy the tallied up values from the word report into an excel template.
I notice the one response per record has the enumeration values, if it could be an output option for the one respondent per record option, that would be very useful.
I am hoping to get the totals for each question in an excel/csv format automatically so that I can increasingly automate the analysis. I realise I could do this in something like MATLAB using the One respondent per record output, but I am on a budget and cannot afford matlab!
Ideally, if the output is totals it would have all response categories listed, so that if one was blank, the data location would still be maintained between different analysis using a 0 as a placeholder e.g.
Very good 44
Good 10
average 0 [no average so 0 acts as place holder]
Less than satsfactory 5
Poor 3
I don't know if any of this is simple to add as an output/analysis option, but the current options do not make it easy to get the aggregated data totals in a useable format.
The word report is good, but the data used to create the word report would be very useful - especially if none responses in some options were included as a 0 for a placeholder.
Hope this is understandable, it is a fairly simple concept until I try to type it.
If you can do anything along these lines it would massively improve the usability of your software for me, and I am sure for others also.