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How to compare responses from one set of respondents to another

You can compare the responses provided by one subset of respondents to another for a specific survey.

We will describe this using an example that compares the responses submitted during one time period with responses submitted during another time period. The example described here uses memorized filters based upon date ranges. Even so, it is also possible to use this same technique using memorized filters based upon how people answered a particular question or set of questions, or even a combination of date ranges and responses. See the user guide for step-by-step guidance on creating filters.

Note: It is not possible within the application to compare responses for one survey against responses to another survey. That can be accomplished by converting responses for those surveys to another data format and using another application to perform the comparison.

Step-By-Step Example

Let's assume you have a set of responses for a survey you conducting during the month of April 2016. You want to compare the responses submitted by respondents from April 1st through 14th with the responses submitted April 15th through 28th.

1. Select the survey and view any question.

  • To do this, select the View Results tab. Select the survey. Select any question. Select the View Results button. This displays the summary of responses for the selected question.

2. Create a filter based upon the response date range of April 1 through 14.

  • To do this, right anywhere in the view and select View by Date of Response. Then specify the date range April 1 through 14 and select OK. This applies the date range filter to the responses you are viewing.

3. While the date range filter is applied, memorize that filter and name it “April 1-14”. 

  • To do this, select the Memorize the Current Filter button bar item. This creates a memorized filter that you can use any time when viewing this survey.

4. Clear the date range filter. 

  • To do this, right-click anywhere in the view and deselect the View by Date of Response popup menu item. The clears the filter and you are now viewing all the responses again.

5. Create a filter based upon the response date range of April 15 through 28. 

  • To do this, right anywhere in the view and select View by Date of Response. Then specify the date range April 15 through 28 and select OK. This applies the date range filter to the responses you are viewing.

6. While the date range filter is applied, memorize that filter and name it “April 15-28”.

  • To do this, select the Memorize the Current Filter button bar item (gold star with the blue plus sign). This creates a memorized filter that you can use any time when viewing this survey.

7. Clear the date range filter.

  • To do this, right-click anywhere in the view and deselect the View by Date of Response popup menu item. The clears the filter and you are now viewing all the responses again.

8. Create a series using these two memorized filters.

  • To do this, select the View Multiple Series using Memorized Filters button bar item (gold star with the purple spyglass). Select both of your memorized filters (the order doesn’t matter) and select OK. This creates a series view for each memorized filter so that you can compare the two series. Notice the Select a series list that appears above the graph.

9. Navigate to a specific question and compare one series to another.

  • To do this, use the blue navigation button bars items. Switch between the "April 1-14" series and the "April 15-28" series by changing the selection in the Select a series list.

10. Use the side-by-side comparisons.

  • To print a graph or tabular list, select the Print button bar item.
  • To copy a graph into your clipboard so it can be pasted into another application, select the Copy Graph to Clipboard button bar item.
  • To publish reports containing side-by-side series views, select the Analyze Results Using Series View button bar item.

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