How to cancel a SurveyGold Standard or Premium subscription
If you purchased your Standard or Premium SurveyGold subscription using a debit or credit card, the subscription can be cancelled automatically as follows:
- A week or so before your subscription expires, you will receive an email notification from our e-commerce partner indicating that your subscription is set to renew automatically as of a particular date specified in the email.
This email notification provides you the option to cancel your subscription prior to using your payment card to process the subscription renewal. - To cancel your subscription, select the option in the email notification to cancel your subscription when you receive the email notification.
Your automatic subscription renewal will be cancelled and your payment card on record with our e-commerce partner will not be charged.
If you purchased your Standard or Premium SurveyGold subscription using a check:
- Your subscription will be cancelled automatically on the expiration date. No action on your part is required to cancel your subscription.