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Problem: Survey Templates folder is missing

If you purchased SurveyGold 8 before 2008, most likely your SurveyGold application does not include the Templates folder. This folder contains several surveys that serve as templates which you can use to create your own surveys.
These surveys can be imported into your SurveyGold application manually as follows:
  1. Download the file to the folder of your choosing (i.e., Desktop, My Documents).
  2. Unzip the file to that folder. This will create several files. Each of these files is a survey definition file that contains a survey can be imported into your SurveyGold application.
  3. Launch the SurveyGold application and select the SETUP SURVEY tab.
  4. From the set of folders in the SETUP SURVEY, create a folder called Survey Templates by selecting the New Folder button in the button bar.
  5. Right-click on the Survey Templates folder and select "Import".
  6. When the Import Survey window appears, select the "..." button and navigate to the folder where you unzipped the survey definition files in step 2.
  7. Select the first survey definition file that you want to import and select OK. SurveyGold will then import the selected survey definition file into the Survey Templates folder in the Setup Survey tab. (Repeat steps 5-7 for each survey definition file you want to import as a survey template.)
  8. When the survey is imported it will be locked. You can unlock the survey by right-clicking on the survey and selecting the Lock menu item from the popup menu. When prompted for the password, enter x and select OK.

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